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Minato City Tourism Information Center (Tsuji Square) "The 21st Minato City Tourism Photo Contest 2022 Winning Works Exhibition"

Period: May 2, 2024 - Sep 30
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The "Minato City Tourism Photo Contest" is held every year with the aim of rediscovering the charm of Minato City through photography, from famous places and old sites in Minato City to seasonal traditions and hidden spots. Submissions were solicited in two categories, the "General Category" and the "Photocon Koshien Division" for junior high and high school students, and this year's 21st edition of the contest established the "Special Area Award (Shimashobe)" and the "Theme Award (Bustle of the City)". We will exhibit 23 prize-winning works selected by a jury chaired by photographer Mineko Orisaku.

【Exhibition Schedule】
(1) 5/2 (Thu) ~ 5/31 (Fri) [General Category] Gold Award, Silver Award, Special Area Prize (Shimashobe), Theme Award (Bustle of the City) 5 points in total
(2) 6/1 (Sat) ~ 6/30 (Sun) [General Division] Special Prize 4 points in total
(3) 7/1 (Mon) ~ 7/31 (Wed) [General Category] Special Jury Prize 6 points in total
(3) 8/1 (Thu) ~ 8/31 (Sat) [General Division] Area Prize 5 points in total
(4) 9/1 (Sun) ~ 9/30 (Mon) [Koshien Division] First Prize, Second Prize, Judge's Special Prize 3 points in total

[Click here for the winning works]

The 21st Minato City Tourism Photo Contest 2022 Silver Prize
"Wrapped in Kindness" Tomoko Morita



5-36-4 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tsuji Square, 1st floor, Minato-ku Tourist Information Center(札の辻Square)
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